In EPS, s.r.o., we have a rich experience in providing such control services: We supervise especially in the case of:
We provide an expert supervision over the sets of activities at large industrial grounds as well as at singular sites. It is a very responsible and professional activity. In addition, we have a rich experience with geologic supervision in Slovakia.
The examples of realized supervisions follow:
  • multiple risk assessments of industrial grounds (ISH Olomouc, HARFA Prague, KOMAS Opava, VISTEON Hluk)
  • multiple remediation projects after the Soviet military (Neřední, Kozí Hřbety, etc.)
  • sites of effacing the mining history (The Ležáky mine - construction of the PTS (subsurface sealing wall), KOHINOOR mine)
  • remediations in Slovakia (Nemšová, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, CARGO in Banovce n.B.)

Česká verze